We highly respect our moral engagement towards the authors and the speakers of our
workshops & conferences who worked hours to show us their ideas & experiences published on this website. For any type of reproduction, citation, quotation please contact SONGÜL, authors and/or speakers directly for a written consent. Additional restrictions may apply.
Accelerating pace of food
industry demands us look ahead
Cooperation with experts

Product Differentiation Strategies Seminar – Marketing, Advertisingand Labelling for Food and Beverage Sector was held on 12 November 2015 in Istanbul.
The seminar focused on emerging issues in geographical indications, nutrient content, health and sensory claims and substantiation of these claims. Specific attention devoted to jurisditional comparison between the EU-EU Member States and Turkey.
We would like to give special thanks to the speakers and the participants of the seminar for their insightful, stimulating, and interactive presentations and contributions.
If you are interested in a specific presentation, please contact at info@songul.av.tr or the speaker directly.

A Comparison Turkish and European Union Regulatory Systems Seminar – Experiences and issues in establishingregulatory systems for biosafety and GMOs was held in İstanbul on 14 January 2013.
The seminar mainly focused on the biosafety and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) regulatory systems in the food and feed industry by comparing EU and Turkish regulations.
We would like to give special thanks to the speakers and the participants who came and participated with an open attitude.
If you are interested in a specific presentation, please contact at info@songul.av.tr or the speaker directly.

The UK Bribery Act and New Risks for Multinational Companies Workshop was held on 15 June 2012.
The workshop focused on the extraterritorial reach of the UK Bribery Act, Turkish Law in comparison to the legal framework established with the UK Bribery Act and creating, improving and implementing effective adequate procedures.
We would like to give our special thanks to the UK Trade Investment, UKTI Defense and Security Organisation and Forensic People for their generous support for the organisation of the workshop.
If you are interested in a specific presentation, please contact at info@songul.av.tr or the speaker directly.

The seminar was held on 16th of April, 2019 at Sebahattin Zaim University-İZÜ INOVATION CLUB
Turkish Food Law: consumers, controversies and science
-The Power of Ingredients and Labels; health and nutritional claims, geographical indications etc.-How Turkish Food Law interacts with different systems: Turkish, European Union and International Food Law

Seminar at Okan University-Food Engineering: A Lawyer’s Perspective from practice: Current & Emerging Domestic and International Regulatory Issues for Food Safety in Practice
The seminar about “A Lawyer’s Perspective from practice: Current & Emerging Domestic and International Regulatory Issues for Food Safety in Practice/Gıda Güvenliği Konusunda Güncel ve Gelişmekte Olan İç ve Uluslararası Yasal Konulara Avukat Gözüyle Uygulamadan Bakış” was held on 3rd of March, 2015.